Day 34 - Beauvais to Amiens - ride total 2,684 k, 17,632 m

24 km's of today's ride was on a superb rail trail with a mostly -1% gradient and shrouded with mature trees with the undergrowth still damp from the recent rain - this meant we were out of the glare of the sun and covered in shade with a temperature that was only mid twenties as opposed to 30 out in the open. The boys found a couple of coffee shops however we needed to wait till we got to Amiens at midday to find a reasonable Boulangeraie. I was quite pleased with myself today as I had a lovely conversation completely in French with a young French woman who was walking her dog on the trail trail. We both understood each other without the need to get out Google translate. Here is the conversation word for word. Me - "Bonjour Madam, du velo". Her reply "Merci". The conversation then ended with and exchange of smiles and a wave. A simple everyday translation is something along this line. Me - *Gidday, two more bikes coming". Her reply *Cheers*. As I say...